Desoto Sunrise
Homes, Inc. is a non-profit, 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt, faith-based
agency that has been a part of the community for over twenty years.
They provide services to children and adolescents who are "at
risk" of developing delinquent behaviors with the ultimate
goal of helping them become emotionally healthy, productive members
of society. Desoto Sunrise is licensed by the State of Mississippi's
Department of Human Services and certified by local Fier and Health
Departments and complete annual independent audits to ensure trustworthy
accounty procedures to the community.
The Desoto Sunrise
Crisis Care Shelter provides twelve beds for emergency shelter services
to children in Desoto County ages birth to 18. The resident children
at the emergency shelter are often victims of abuse and/or neglect
or status offenders (runaways or homeless) and are referred by Desoto
County Juvenile Court of the Department of Human Services. The Emergency
Shelter is the only center of its kind in Northeast Mississippi
and only one of two in the entire state.
The Girls home
provides twelve beds in a long-term residential level 1 group home
for teenage girls who have been experiencing emotional and/or behavior
problems at home, school or in the community, which is often a result
of abuse, neglect or lack of adequate coping skills. The home provides
a structured and positive living environment, behavioral management,
social skills training, anger management and self-steem building,
as well as physical activities and exposure to cultural places and
events. The program provides social work services and addresses
to coummunity needs and problems by helping children gain more adequate
coping skills. When a child successfully completes our program,
they can move on to becoming a healthy and productive adult member
of society. |