DCSPQ Meeting Notes - 01-06-04

See the notes below from the meeting held on the date mentioned above.

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President: Linda Feathers
VP of Legal & Finance: Celia Liner
VPs of Strategic Community Alliance: Judy Pickle & Kathy Taylor
VP of Events & Programs: Liz Marable
VP of Marketing & Advertising: Jerri Costello
VP of Communications: Janice Sludder
Meeting Notes

to a new member Cathy Williams! She came with sparkles in her hair, a big pretty smile and is a logistics analyst at Fed-X. She’s a keeper - and is referred to as TammyCat. – How cool is that!?

There were issues about the cost and printing of the calendars. There were discussions of a fundraiser to help with the cost. Jeri volunteered to get an estimate. Issues were raised regarding the time it would take to formulate a fundraiser –conduct the fundraiser- the time to print the calendars- the time to promote the calendars and contributors not being able to claim a deduction on their 2003 tax return (deadline for 2003 taxes was December 31st). The consensus was to retain the pictures and have calendars printed for 2005 and ready for distribution November 2004.

Fund Raisers
We need Fund Raiser ideas! Please do a little research – ask around and come to next Tuesday’s meeting with your idea’s. Try to put them in writing so they can be filed.

New members need outfits
It was suggested we include a list of extra outfit items we want to sell – (e.g. wigs-gloves-boots-crowns, etc). If you reply to this email with extra items you have and your asking price, I will be glad to consolidate the data and forward it to Chelle to put on the website. We should also combine all the information e.g. stores, websites, etc. where we obtained each outfit item.

Visit the Sunrise Home
Judy and Janice will go to the Desoto Sunrise Home next Tuesday and Jeri volunteered to take notes.

This Saturday at 9PM at Tiz Ann’s
Tammy Diane’s Spud Stud’s band (FULL EFFECT) is playing. There is no cover charge – but tipping will be permitted. I’ve heard these guys - they are a terrific band that play a variety of good time Rock & Roll. They played at Tiz Ann’s New Year’s Eve and they were rockin!! Please tell all your fun friends to join us this Saturday!

March 19th & 20th – the 2004 St. Paddy’s Day Events & Parade in Jackson MS.
Mark your calendars! Commitment needed by Sunday - February 1st – Linda will send an email.

We discussed going to the St. Paddy’s Parade to have fun and maybe meet the Sweet Potato Queens originator - Jill Connor Brown and other Queens from across the Nation. Robin volunteered to look for a Hotel and Celia will research discount options. Information from the National Site regarding some events and the Queens Hotels and special rates are listed on the next pages. It will be fun, fun, fun!!

Friday, March 19 - 12:00 Noon - 5:00 P.M. - Karaoke at Hal & Mal's
This is your chance to shine. Sing solo - Sing as a group - Do a skit! Five whole hours on the main stage hosted by our very own Pub Quiz Mistress and Bartender - Shannon. There will be food available, and your favorite queenly beverages, as well as strolling bagpipers and other Irish goodies.

8:00 P.M. - The SPQ Ball
featuring the REAL Sweet Potato Queens and their entourage. Music will be provided by local favorites "These Days." (More details coming!!)

Saturday, March 20 - 10:00 A.M. - Bar at Hal & Mal's opens.

1:00 P.M. - Mal's St. Paddy's Parade begins

After the Parade
Street dance in front of Hal & Mal's, featuring the Bluz Boys (a parade tradition) as well as other fine entertainment. And, of course, Hal & Mal's will be open with an assortment of fine food and potent potables (apologies to "Jeopardy"). The awards will be presented on the main stage indoors, followed by more Karaoke with special guest hosts until we just can't take it any more!

"And what does this fun cost?" you may ask. That information will be coming shortly.

And don't forget: "Never wear panties to a party!!"

The Sweet Potato Queens’ Hotels

1. Courtyard Marriott
(Driving to the Hilton is 4/tenths of a mile; staggering from the Hilton, through a
parking lot, is about 2/tenths and you don’t cross any major streets.)
6280 Ridgewood Rd.
Jackson, MS 39211

Expedia.com rate = $92
Special SPQ rate = $79

2. Cabot Lodge NORTH (not downtown)
(Driving, or staggering, to/from the Hilton is 2/tenths of a mile and you must
cross a MAJOR street.)
120 Dyess Rd.
Ridgeland, MS 39157

Expedia.com rate = $105
Special SPQ rate = $79

*Complimentary Breakfast in the morning
*Complimentary cocktails in the evening


• The Hilton-Jackson will be running a shuttle between these hotels, and the Drury
Inn and Suites (SOLD OUT), to the Hilton so you don’t have to walk, drive,
and/or stagger. We don’t recommending DUI or walking/staggering; but, if you
must walk/stagger, don’t go alone and remember what yo momma said, “Look
both ways before you cross the street.”

• Also, the Hilton is coordinating shuttle service to/from the Hilton and
Downtown Jackson for the Parade.

• For some inexplicable reason, the butt-heads at the Hilton Homewood Suites, a
sister property, won’t even talk with our folks at the Hilton-Jackson for a special
rate or shuttle service—draw your own conclusions.