DCSPQ Meeting Notes - 10-21-03

See the notes below from the meeting held on the date mentioned above.

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President: Linda Feathers
VP of Legal & Finance: Celia Liner
VPs of Strategic Community Alliance: Judy Pickle & Kathy Taylor
VP of Events & Programs: Liz Marable
VP of Marketing & Advertising: Jerri Costello
VP of Communications: Janice Sludder
Meeting Notes

Poker Run:
10 AM Saturday morning – pick up your Poker Run * packages at Tiz Ann’s

Designated Stop Assignments:
#1 Tiz Ann’s Station – Janice & Linda Nesbitt –Last Bike out at 11:30AM
#2 Mel’s Place – Robin & Jeri
#3 The Handshake – Diane & Judy
#4 Wayne’s Quick Stop – Chelle & Ashley
#5 Holiday Crossing Grill – Robin & Jeri
#6 Big O’s – Diane & Judy

Friendly Reminders:
Call the next stop soon after the first contestants arrive.
Please pay your tab and tip your servers.

4PM – Tiz Ann’s – Everyone meets for:
Live Music by the Five Mississippi Band (Tips support the cause)
Catfish dinner plates
Silent Auction
Bike Show

* Packages will include:
A poker sheet showing directions to each stop
Phone numbers of each establishment
Deck of Cards
Stamp & Pad

Your hard work paid off Tammy’s!! We have many donated items for the Poker Run. Below is a list of donated items and the contributors. (Please forgive any misspellings)

Red indicates uncertainty of the donators business name – Please send me any corrections, additions or modifications you notice.

Donated Item   Contributor
1 Hour Massage
Gift Certificate
Butterfly Stained Glass decoration
4 Gift Certificates
Paul Mitchell gift bag
3 T-Bone Steaks
$15 Gift Certificate & T-Shirt
Two gift certificates for 2 dinners for two
10 person party wing platter & colas
$25 Gift Certificate
Ole Miss wind chimes
Cordless Screwdriver
DVD Players
Gift Certificate for Pet Grooming
Hair Products
Hair Products
Hair Products
Gift Certificate for 150 minutes of Tanning
5 Free Hair Cuts
Goodie Basket
Color Treatment
Gift Certificate for a free pizza
Hand made chip & dip platter
10% Off coupons
Gift Certificate-$300 chiropractic services
  Healing Arts Medical Center
Gordon’s Butcher Shop
Hair It Is
Creative Cuts
Hunter Brown
Carlisle’s Nursery
Judy ?
Judy ?

Holiday Crossing & Tiz Ann’s
Pet Star
New Cuts
Just Hair
Hair Shop
Hair Shop
Hair Shop
Hair Shop
Valle’s Italian restaurant
Lisa ?
Fox Wines
Thomas Chiropractic on Airways

All you dedicated DSPQ’s for those who visited businesses and acquired donated prizes for the Poker Run in support of the Sunrise Homes.

Jeri for acquiring the donation of the pink & green Poker Run flyers - priceless.

Chelle for designing our own personal and magnificent dcspq website, purchasing the boots; dying the gloves and efficiently representing the DSPQ’s all by her lonesome at the Desoto Sunrise Shop open-house last week.

Judy for allowing the DSPQ’s to come into her home and giving so much of herself helping others make their dresses.

Linda Feathers for initiating the DSPQ’S and her continuous supportive nature.

Liz for allowing us to hold the meetings at Tiz Ann’s and for organizing the Poker Run.

Janice suggested since not all of us are blessed with a great talent- and we are suppose to liven up a place when we arrive - we could consider short games and contests with audience participation and high energy to entertain groups of people.

Examples of possible games and contests to consider:

• Hula Hoop contest
• Musical Chairs Guys on the inside of circle going clock wise – girls on the outside of men’s circle going counter clockwise. When the music stops – the guys sit in the chairs-the girls sit in their laps.
• Female and male coupled off (best if strangers). Female places a lemon at the ankle of the man’s slacks. Female moves the lemon up that leg under the slacks, over and down the other leg. Her hands are allowed, his are not. First one done wins.
• Biggest feet contest ?
• Best Tan Line
• Most sensual Banana eating contest
• Fake an orgasm contest (Try to out do Meg Ryan from film - When Harry met Sally)
• Worst Singer Contest
• First Person to bring you an item (piece of women’s lingerie; birth control device, etc)
• Men put on/remove garters from their female partners leg using only their teeth
• Women remove a chalk mark from their partners flies using anything but their hands
• Kissing Contest
• Roll & Plunger Contest – Women stand with toilet paper rolls between their knees and men race to them with plungers between their legs trying to be the first to fit their plunger handle in the toilet paper roll hole.
• Contest for most effective pick-up lines
• Tightest jeans or tightest buns contest
• Sweet potato pie eating contest

Lisa suggested a game to tie a string with a pencil on the end to the back of a belt with the pencil hanging about 4 inches above the knees. Without using their hands, the contestant is to attempt to insert the pencil in a long neck bottle.

These are some fun adult comedy ideas and I know you all can come up with others – please email them to me.

We are going to be so darn great – We will be known all over and make guest appearances.

Go Girls!

Several girls are going to Bike Night Wednesday to pass out Poker Run Flyers. Good Luck

Girls! Thanks for your dedication!

Remember the Harvest Ball November 18th!!

Post Poker Run

Liz suggested we make plans to visit with the Desoto Sunrise Home Girls in November. We can visit them one Tuesday – order pizza or sub sandwiches and just hang-out or plan a slumber party so they feel comfortable around us so we can consider having them in our homes or at Tiz Ann’s at Christmas.