know that problems with your web site can cost you money and
damage your reputation of dependability and convenience in
your industry. At Web Brats we are dedicated to finding a
solution to your problems as quickly as possible so your focus
can stay on your clients.
technology is constantly changing and we strive to foresee
these changes when we initially code your site. However, we
can't foresee every change in our technology. Therefore, if
your web site requires an update in code to keep things running
smoothly, we'll perform these tasks at no additional cost
to you.
you are considering us to build your web site or are already
a client, we welcome you to call us day or night at 662.280.5102.
If you prefer to handle your business through email, you can
contact us at chelle@webbrats.com
or complete one of the electronic webforms we have provided
on this site.
Brats Web Design
1669 Main Street, Suite C
Southaven, MS 38671
Tel: 662.280.5102
Fax: 662.393.8434
Email: chelle@webbrats.com